Camino Day 24: Salcedo – Santiago!
What an epic day! Today, I began my final day of walking to Santiago early. I was up before the sun and had a chance to see the stars for the first time in almost four weeks. Since the sunset isn't until after 10pm here, I've been in bed before total darkness sets in....

Camino Day 23: Melide – Salceda
Today was another long day of walking. We decided to head out early and were on the trail at 6:50am. One of the Germans decided that she wanted to come with us after all. The sky was overcast and there was a light wind blowing. We made our way out of the town and into...

Camino Day 22: Portos – Melide
Today it was hard to get out of bed when the alarm clock went off, even though I got around 8 hours of sleep. I was a little slow getting ready, but my Camino family was waiting for me downstairs. We set off together around 7:30. I was not in such a great mood in the...

Camino Day 21: Vilachá – Portos
Today started out a little late. We had breakfast at the Albergue with the Hospitalero and then hit the trail around 8:00. The morning was quite beautiful with a bit of fog clinging to the fields. As we made our way into Portomarín, there was a low fog dancing along...

Camino Day 20: Calvor – Vilachá
After the long day yesterday, we all ended up getting up a little later than usual and set out around 7:30. The weather was cool and overcast, so it made for a good start to the day. The terrain today was much more forgiving and not as rough. We made our way through...

Camino Day 19: Fonfria – Calvor
Today was another long day. I took a little longer getting ready, so everyone else had left by the time I got ready. I grabbed some breakfast at the Albergue before hitting the trail. I finally set off around 8:00. About an hour later, I came across the other three...

Camino Day 18: Vega de Valcarce – Fonfria
Today was a very long day. I was all packed and ready by 7am and hit the trail. I started off on my own, but a few villages later I met up with all of my Camino family from dinner last night at the first open Café. So from that point on for the rest of the day we...

Camino Day 17: Cacabelos – Vega de Valcarce
Today started out quite well. I woke up and was greeted by numerous birthday wishes from friends and family through email and Facebook, and it gave me a great smile to start the day. I set off on the trail around 7:40 and walked on my own. Along the Camino there are...

Camino Day 16: Riego de Ambros – Cacabelos
Today was another long day, and most of it was walking alone. 18 miles through the heat. It was around 80 in the shade, so while walking with no cover it felt much hotter. I set off before the heat at around 8:00. I decided that since my feet actually seemed to hurt...

Camino Day 15: Rabanal del Camino – Riego de Ambros
When I woke up this morning the first thing that I checked was how my feet felt. Amazingly, they felt fine. I walked around the Albergue while getting ready and knew that I would be able to walk today! After breakfast, I walked down town to meet up with some friends....